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Do you need to figure out how to get the quickest results from Evanpharma Almond Oil?

(Try it as a hair mask twice a week)

  • Place a few drops on your palms and rub your hands together
  • Massage your scalp and the length of your hair for 10 minutes
  • Cover your hair with a towel or a shower cap and leave it for 2 hours or over-night
  • Wash your hair with a strong cleansing shampoo, and style it as usual

Size: 30 ML, 100 ML


More Info:

Almond Oil can be used for smooth skin & strong nails. Full of minerals that easily soaks into the skin, reduce puffiness and under-eye circles, and treats dry & scarred skin.

It’s prepared by cold pressing technique specially ordered for our company, so it doesn’t lose its precious nutrients.


Precautions of use:

  • Don’t use Almond oil if you’ll apply heat afterward to style your hair. Heat applied directly to almond oil can increase its temperature and can lead to burns.
  • If you’re allergic to nuts, avoid using almond oil on your skin
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